- The company’s motivation
- The nature and range of initiatives undertaken to improve diversity
- Evidence of how change has been made and impacted employees across the organisation
- Information about your profession and position
- Your motivation/ inspiration
- The process to achieving change
- The results that were achieved
Companies and individuals may enter up to three categories.
Financial Adviser categories: If you are a UK-based financial advisory firm, you're eligible to enter these awards.
Service Provider categories: If you provide a service to UK-based financial advisers, you're eligible to enter these awards.
Submissions may include examples of marketing material, communications, or links to products or services if relevant.
To enter the Diversity Awards, please follow the steps below:
1) Click here to register your profile in our Awards platform.
2) Confirm your email address by clicking the link sent to your email.
3) Login to the platform here.
4) Click "Start your entry" and choose your category.
5) Choose your category based on whether you are a financial adviser or a service provider to financial advisers.
6) Choose if you would like to enter the Company or Individual categories.
7) Fill in the Entry form that consists of 3 tabs:
( Your details and Entry Statement | Company logo | Attachments - Optional )
8) Once you are happy with your entry, click submit.
Note: You can edit your entries until the deadline 28 February.
You can clone your entries to enter multiple categories (3 total).
If you have any questions, please email: ftevents@ft.com
For company categories
Describe in no more than 1000 words why your company should win.
Entries must consist of:
For individual categories
Describe in no more than 500 words why you should win.
Entries must consist of:
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